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What does a BIPAP Auto SV prescription need to say?Updated 2 months ago

A BiPAP Auto SV prescription must contain the following information: Your Doctor's contact information Your Doctor's signature Your full name One of the following words or phrases: BiPAP SV, BiPAP Servo Ventilation Either an IPAP pressure range and a single EPAP pressure setting OR a single IPAP pressure setting and an EPAP pressure range. Your IPAP Minimum and Maximum Inspiratory Pressure (breathing in pressure) or the settings can be provided to us. Example: IPAP Min 5 cm/H20 - IPAP Max 15 cm/H20 Example: IPAP Min 5 cmwp - Max 15 cmwp Example: IPAP Min 5 - IPAP Max 15 Your EPAP or expiration (breathing out pressure) or the setting can be provided to us. This may be called the EEP (End Expiratory Pressure). Example: EPAP 5 cm/H2O Example: EPAP 5 cmwp Example: EPAP 5 It may contain a backup rate or Breath Per Minute BPM setting. Sample of wording for a complete prescription for a BiPAP Auto SV including Back-Up Rate: BiPAP SV IPAP Min 5 cmH2O IPAP Max 15 cm H2O EPAP 5 cmH2O 12 BPM

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